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Lazy Letter: My Parallel Universe

It's hard to catch on from time to time. It's happening all so fast, and to be honest, I'm way too distracted to keep track. Pretty sure I'm taking it all for granted, this stress has made me blind. Sometimes I forget life is basically

Lazy Letter: Hey, Hey

Woke up to the sound of simit seller man. He must've been in one of the alleys nearby. "Hey, hey" he was shouting out loud, although everyone knows "simit, simit" is what he's saying. Or sometimes just a very long "hey" is what you might

Lazy Letter: Another Nap

I couldn't remember the dream I woke up from. Couldn't really remember how I fell asleep. I needed another nap before the sun was up-- soon the beach would be too sunny to sleep. My watch read six o'clock sharp. The sky was lit up,

Children of the Street

 Just before I pass the pizzeria by the clock store, a shiny black van pulled over the narrow alley. A very young beggar kid with dirty and old clothes slowed down. Waited. Seemed like a perfect chance to earn a few coins from the people inside

Lazy Letter: Hospital Again

 I went to the hospital this afternoon. I had a hard time getting up. I actually woke up really early. Around seven or eight. We hung out in a friend's apartment the night before. I remember at some point we started shooting tequila. It was