nomad Tag

Lazy Letter: World Run

I was at an insurance agency. I was preparing the documents for my visa. The check-list was almost entirely ticked, and the insurance was the last item. I'd saved the easiest one for the last, but things didn't work out the way I'd expected. Neither

Lazy Letter: North Wall

So, I left. I had an early morning flight. Last night was tiring and sleepless. I'll arrive around nine in the morning, which means I could start up the day just as I land. I need to go to the bank to get some paperwork

Midnight Dark

It's started with the Town, has always been about it. Poems dedicated, memories engraved; all for better, and sometimes worse. Passing by the familiar streets, I realize all of a sudden, that it'd been missing. Habits, bus tickets, thoughts and dreams that once glued it

Lazy Letter: Lost Tourists

There's a drive-through in front of our studio. This place used to be a restaurant before they bought the property and turned it into an art studio. So that makes sense. Our cabin is on the left side, a little bit at the back, by the

Lazy Letter: Queen Hekla

It was all very foggy and cloudy at first. This has been the wettest winter we ever had, Annamaria described their winter as she was giving me a ride to Gullkistan. That was so nice of her. She gave me a general information about the