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SevOrigami: Necktie Bookmark

I'm often practicing origami. I really enjoy it, it's great. It's been a while that I'm constantly making the wallets, thus, I have loads of scraps of paper. Different sizes and textures in various colors. Sometimes I manage to put together the leftover papers and

SevOrigami: Project Wallet

Origami is such a fascinating form of art; I've always been amazed by how you fold the papers, fold and fold, an d then, you make a twist, or something unexpected by opening and refolding the creases, and there you have it: an object! It

SevOrigami: Jotter

I respect wood. And I highly value paper. It makes me feel uncomfortable when I see a blank piece of paper would go to waste; the object never served its purpose. It's rather a sensitive topic, the case of paper, I would not like to

The Very First Draft (Put Me in the River)

Dear friends, I might've mentioned before that I'm currently working on a memoir project: Put Me in the River. I'm typing up my hand-written draft. It's a bit of a slow process, but fairly satisfying once I'm done with a chapter. Chapter four is done so far,