November 2018

From up the hill

They set a big fire in the middle of the town. It's for the winter holidays. People gather around it, drink wine, red or white, and sing songs with their terrible voices. It's a bizarre tradition, but the people of the town seem to love

Lazy Letter: Without the Snow

 I'm beginning to enjoy my small window in front of my table. It certainly is an odd place to set your working station. Lack of space in this studio came as a big surprise that I had to learn how to tolerate. A little bit

Lazy Letter: New Year

The past couple days were somewhat revolutionary. Not to add an extra meaning to my new new-year theory, but I actually learned a lot from this trip. Everywhere could be just as comfortable as home. Every forest could feel like somewhere I've walked before. All

The Street

Writing might be my main art practice. I get to be one hundred percent free as I write, and let my imagination drift off endlessly. It's accessible, you can easily maintain your work; there's always a pen and a paper somewhere. I personally keep a

Lazy Letter: No Buses

I think I told you on the phone how this town has lost the meaning of time, and that nobody really cares. The church bells ring, but people don't seem to care. Their lunch breaks are on-time, and they drink coffee a few times a