August 2017

Lazy Letter: The Soup

We were on our way back home, to the village, and Marzi was behind the wheel. The plan was to get back home before it got dark, but the sun had already set about an hour ago. My grandma recommended this thermal pool near by, three

Restroom Obsession

I had a friend named Tunc. He was not really a friend, we worked together for a short while. He was very tall and skinny, long thin nose, pale skin and dark hair. His two front teeth were slightly overlapping, lisping a bit as he

The views

"I could see the apartment from here" I looked more carefully "couldn't I?!" I squinted a bit and tried to find the window of the apartment.   I can clearly see the terrace of the bar of that hotel, I thought to myself as I sat back

Lazy Letter: Tough Life

I have already sent you text messages, and have fully updated you with the flood of bad news on my end. But I thought I write all about it anyway. I'm not even sure if you receive any of my letters anymore. Lots of thoughts

One Minute

"Your phone is ringing!" Ertu said as he pointed to my phone on the table. I saw the bright screen glowing underneath my wallet. I picked it up. It wasn't an incoming call, it was outgoing--my phone had ringed someone. It called my dad, and