June 2017

Midnight Dark

It's started with the Town, has always been about it. Poems dedicated, memories engraved; all for better, and sometimes worse. Passing by the familiar streets, I realize all of a sudden, that it'd been missing. Habits, bus tickets, thoughts and dreams that once glued it

Lazy Letter: The Longest Day

It should be now summer, as it is for the most majority of the world, and the sun must be to its hottest. "Summer is not coming to this country this year" a friend of mine joked about it the other day, which was funny and I

Dusty Hometown

The room was filled with the fresh morning light. I checked the clock to make sure it was way too early to get up. Felt strange to wake up at that hour, quite unusual. I wondered what it looked like, how different it'd be. Is

Lazy Letter: Village By The End Of The Valley

I eventually went to that village last night. I went there with my dad, didn't want to go alone. Remember the village that I told you about before, remember?! I assume it depends if you've received any of my letters.   There's a village on the other