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Lazy Letter: To September

I uncomfortably sat in the corner of the couch which was chewed up by an animal from the sides. I already knew that he keeps pets and he fights for animal rights, but what kind of animal would he bring home to destroy a couch

City Lights

Overlooking the still horizon of the city, I caught the twinkling light of an airplane in the night sky. We could see the city from the window, almost all of it. It had grown so much so fast in the past few years, and it's

Summer Raindrops

Hot and humid, sometimes the wind stops blowing. Surrounded by the steam in the air, the extreme humidity makes it feel like a rain cloud around your body. A personal small cloud all around you. Smells like a melancholic Sunday afternoon. The microscopic drops of

Lazy Letter: The Promised Sunrise

I chose to take one of those shared rides again. Not only because it's cheaper, but also it's an easier way of traveling. I met with the driver downtown, I was supposed to trust him even though I don't know him at all. He was