SevOrigami: Jotter

SevOrigami: Jotter

I respect wood. And I highly value paper. It makes me feel uncomfortable when I see a blank piece of paper would go to waste; the object never served its purpose. It’s rather a sensitive topic, the case of paper, I would not like to see it go into the bin in a blank state.

As you might’ve noticed, I am very much drawn to trash. I take advantage of the discarded material, something that doesn’t serve the owner anymore. I look for curious items people leave outside, and I often find materials to play about with. I’ve found inks, different pens, fabric, and lots of paper. Some of these papers are great for making a painting, so I personally make use of them. But sometimes I find large blank spots within a printed paper. All left to do is to cut the usable area, and turn it into a notepad.

Some kind of notebook you could quickly note down an idea, or something that should not be forgotten.

It’s become evident among friends that I support paper all the way, so my friends are kind enough to share their discarded paper with me. The most popular donated paper comes from the packaging of shipped goods ordered online.What I do is that I cut the blank areas on the papers, sew them together in order to achieve a notebook. I often have curious materials to make up some kind of cover or padding, which would make these jotters both functional and good-looking.

More examples can be found on SevOrigami, if you’re interested to have a look.