

A lot goes on in a city, all about the same time; trees grow, clouds fall, colors change; time happens faster than expected. People live, then they die. Some can afford to buy, some others only rent, but in the end, we all need someplace to call home. We pay for it, regardless of the cost; we need shelter to survive, which is the priority number one. There’s a harmony in lives separated by thin walls, locked doors and dusty windows that define inside. We step on the same sidewalk, we breathe the same air. How many trees have been planted in the city? How many days are sunny? What is the sound of the alarm clock that wakes people up in the morning? How do they feel when they can’t fall back asleep? How many birds live in the city? Which cranes immigrate back in the spring? Is the demoiselle, blue, or is it the yellow crane?
Sympatric – 2023

Mix Media, Watercolor on Paper, Rotoscope Animation, Digital Animation


February 4, 2016


Art, Illustration, Video