Lazy Letter: Still Fire

It’s cold, and I have no other choice but to put up with it. I keep telling myself that it will hopefully be a couple more months of winter, and then the spring will arrive. The voice in my head goes back to the last spring and the very brief summer, but then I sing a song to keep the voice quiet. Seems like it’s a friendly way of life saying that it’s hard all the way through; it never gets easy.
The fire is on in the middle of the town. It somehow seems silly to keep it alive for such a long time, one month really is a long while for a life of a fire. And it’s a big one. Probably costs a lot to keep it going too. They don’t just burn pieces of woods, they bring huge logs and trunks of trees to feed the flames. Oh, poor trees! But then again, there’s a peculiar comfort brought by its warmth. You could easily walk up to the main square of the town, which happens to be in front of the house that I’m living, and simply stand in front of it to heat up your frozen body and numb toes. It sounds like a waste of money or other resources, but perhaps you should waste some money here and there to make up simple pleasures. It somehow reflects upon the lives I’ve witnessed so far; people take their time to be. For some reason, it seems to be flat, but I’m pretty sure every life has its own ups and downs.
This year is coming to an end. My personal year has already started, and my culture celebrates new year on the beginning of spring. Just a bunch of numbers, right?! To keep track of time, to celebrate its passage, to make up excuses to be happy about getting a year older. Good or bad, sweet or sour, time passes faster than we realize. We probably celebrate new year for what the future holds, and a series of unknown events that would follow through. Seriously, why do we celebrate new year?! I understand birthdays; I don’t agree to follow the traditions, but I understand them. I can see why we buy presents and blow the candles on the chocolate cake. Perhaps it’s the same deal; to be happy to be. It can be just another ordinary day, and for some, a great hangover the day after.
17.Dec.17 – Messejana, Portugal