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We're quite the bloggers

Chew Well

Even though the restaurant looked crappy, there was something inviting about it. A quick look inside, and a glance at the menu on the glass door, it seemed decent enough to grab a quick dinner. It wouldn't really be an inexpensive food, perhaps they'd charge

Lazy Letter: Going Nowhere

We took the morning bus. We were waiting at the bus stop by the bakery at nine o'clock. Teyo bought a pastry for herself, it had a jam filling. I didn't get anything, I just drank water; I can't have breakfast even if I wanted

Lazy Letter: Downtown

I have the fanciest bedroom here, you should come and see. Living in this bedroom makes me feel like I'm the queen or something. They say it's a seventeen-century house. Murals and window frames, the way each owner of the house has added some type

Lazy Letter: Very sweet sweets

It was only a day trip. We decided to visit there because we were curious, and that there's not much to do in our small town. It is nearby, it could be the closest city. We took the nine o'clock bus, we checked the bus schedule

After Midnight

I drink red wine. I'm left with a purple stain on my lips, and a calmness followed by the last sip. Almost sleepy, I could go to bed. I'd rather hang out here, my bed is freezing. Not very promising for a sweet dream.

Lazy Letter: Window Seat

I am on my way to the other town in the south. The first few moments of arrival would always be stressful. I always ask myself what if I don't like it, or if I couldn't enjoy it, which is all nonsense; every trip is