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Lazy Letter: Tough Life

I have already sent you text messages, and have fully updated you with the flood of bad news on my end. But I thought I write all about it anyway. I’m not even sure if you receive any of my letters anymore. Lots of thoughts have been running through my mind, and I’ve been disgusted for so many times. No wonder why my concentration level has dropped down to almost zero.

I’m still in here in town, and there’s no trace of much-expected visa. This is ridiculous, knowing that the program starts tomorrow, and my passport is still empty. I can’t leave, time is dropping me behind. I’m now so far away from the reality I envisioned for myself. Feels like I’m trapped, although I’m still the most liberate person I know. I was walking to the embassy this morning, to see if they could change the date of my appointment. They said over the email that the next available date isn’t until six weeks later. Isn’t that ridiculous?! The woman also said that it’s my fault if I don’t have the visa by now. You should’ve come with your documents ready, she said. I couldn’t complain how uncooperative she was, why she didn’t accept some of my documents in the first place, and that she could’ve registered my application in their system while I gathered up the papers she asked for. She could’ve told me to come back tomorrow instead of making me arrange another appointment. I think a part of me was scared of her. She works at the embassy, after all, she has the power to do almost anything at the moment.READ MORE

One Minute

“Your phone is ringing!” Ertu said as he pointed to my phone on the table. I saw the bright screen glowing underneath my wallet. I picked it up. It wasn’t an incoming call, it was outgoing–my phone had ringed someone. It called my dad, and fifteen seconds had passed already. “Hello, hello” he was saying. I said hello to him. It was exciting to hear his voice.READ MORE

Lazy Letter: Thunderstorm

The rain was so mad, we had no other choice but to run. We were on our way home. It was pouring on us. It started mad and lasted long, even an hour after we got home. Hard to believe it was happening. How long did it take us to reach home, I wonder. Rather early in the morning, people were on their way to work, the day has just started. Only a bit floody and rainy and thunderstormy. The rain was now feeling brutal.READ MORE


I gave Olga a pen and a piece of paper. That’s the only way how to entertain a seven-year-old. “But what do I draw?” She asked innocently.

“Anything you like!” I answered.

“I could write you a letter.”

“That’s the best idea. Please do!” I was delighted.

She sat there for a few minutes, going through ideas and thoughts she wanted to write to me about. She didn’t write a word.

“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” I asked.

“I don’t know what to write in my letter.”

“It could be anything. Anything at all.”

She rested her chin on her hand and looked into the space in front of her. She was thinking. And she was very puzzled.

“Do you know what a letter is?” I asked her.

“No.” She said honestly.

Lazy Letter: World Run

I was at an insurance agency. I was preparing the documents for my visa. The check-list was almost entirely ticked, and the insurance was the last item. I’d saved the easiest one for the last, but things didn’t work out the way I’d expected. Neither the travel insurance, nor the visa, I ended up waiting for days stressfully. It will never be easy I guess, not as long as I hold this passport.READ MORE

Lazy Letter: Canteen

The seminar that I told you about happened yesterday. I found it very informative, good thing that I went. I hesitated in the morning, as I woke up, and wondered if I really needed to attend this event. I’d promised my uncle the day before, and made sure I’d be in the conference hall of the Ministry of Petroleum before eight. It’d look terribly embarrassing if I didn’t show up. Well, good thing that I went!


It was exactly the type of knowledge I needed at the moment, loads of information on a whole other channel to feed my inspiration; my creativity needs a big pinch of salt at the moment. The conference was about oil spill and ecosystem science, and how to prevent the disaster from becoming a tragedy. Each expert explained different aspects of the subject. Pictures of the largest oil spills were shown, facts were told, cases discussed, questions asked and in the end, we were all illuminated that the truth is way deeper, far more crucial than we thought it was. It wasn’t just about the fishes and turtles and the workers of the platform, you see, it was about the shores too far away from the incident to be counted as “damaged”. The environmental impact is infinite. The oil floats on the water, and kills the living creatures wherever it goes. We, the human beings, don’t feel like we are a part of this world, and we’re still acting so alien to the Planet Earth. Still haven’t realized that this is our Planet Earth, and we should stop damaging it constantly.READ MORE

Him or her?!

I turned right to the hallway, to the ladies room at the end of the aisle. I wondered if it was the same dog I saw the last time, wondered if he was still alive. It wasn’t, it was a different one this time. And he was napping, I’m not sure if he was dreaming. I’ve been to so many public bathrooms, not as filthy, still disgusting enough for a dog not to sleep on the gray dirty tiles of the public bathroom of the Park. He was pretty, a very pretty dog. What was he doing there?

7.Jun.17 – Ankara, Turkey

Lazy Letter: North Wall

So, I left. I had an early morning flight. Last night was tiring and sleepless. I’ll arrive around nine in the morning, which means I could start up the day just as I land. I need to go to the bank to get some paperwork done, and do a little adjustment on my account. I fell asleep just as I fastened my seatbelt, and shoved my bag under the seat. There is no greater pleasure than to open your eyes from a short nap, and find yourself somewhere in the sky, crossing over vast lands underneath, the ocean of clouds, and the endless horizon. I still ask for the window seat as I check in. READ MORE

Midnight Dark

It’s started with the Town, has always been about it. Poems dedicated, memories engraved; all for better, and sometimes worse. Passing by the familiar streets, I realize all of a sudden, that it’d been missing. Habits, bus tickets, thoughts and dreams that once glued it all together, is now dusty, left behind.

Doesn’t anyone live here anymore? Is the image upside down? It’s only bad timing, so you say. Hope I’m not interrupting. Took me an hour to go, and sometimes longer to return back. Every single day. The path of going and returning is not the same, they may say. Was that a plain illusion then, a naive modification for a hard life above and beyond, forced to be lived happily ever after? It was not really, was it?! Things are certainly different.

25.June.17 – Ankara, Turkey

Lazy Letter: The Longest Day

It should be now summer, as it is for the most majority of the world, and the sun must be to its hottest. “Summer is not coming to this country this year” a friend of mine joked about it the other day, which was funny and I laughed a lot, but very depressing at the same time. It’s somehow disturbing too. How far along would the cold season stretch?!READ MORE