Lazy Letter: Queen Hekla

Lazy Letter: Queen Hekla

It was all very foggy and cloudy at first. This has been the wettest winter we ever had, Annamaria described their winter as she was giving me a ride to Gullkistan. That was so nice of her. She gave me a general information about the area that I was going to reside for the next forty-five days. There’s a national park between my place and the airport. It’s about an hour away. We passed the forest. Forest of bushes. Bjök, they can grow up to five meters. There’s actually an insight joke, I’ll tell you about it later. Not exactly what I call a forest. You should’ve seen forests of Haihatus, oh.

She also told me about the mountains around, and that Hekla wasn’t very far away.

I could see Hekla on clear sunny days. Sits on the left side of the lake in the distance. It’s light blue, covered up with fresh snow. Sometimes a quilt of clouds wraps it all up, like a pile of cream. Take your spoon and have some. Just like the ones Marzi described on our way to Abish Ahmad. Sun and cloud make Hekla so elegant. And so pretty. You wouldn’t have any other way but to call it Queen. Alda calls it so, and I think she says right.

Hanna tried to show it to me on the first few days of my arrival. But it was so foggy and cloudy, impossible to see it. She couldn’t make sure where it was herself. She hadn’t seen it yet. But she said Christina had, and that it was magical. Mysterious, in a way, knowing that it would erupt any moment.

The three of us walked down the lake the other day, the morning after the snow. We stared at its beauty. For more than one minute, in the absolute silence of the valley.

Mar.17, Iceland